Will a bigger penis make you a better lover? The answer is yes, but not for the reasons that you are thinking. It is not for the fact that you have a bigger penis it is because you will have more confidence. But do penis pumps work.
Can you increase your penis size with penis pumps ? There are hundreds, if not thousands of programs available on the internet. If you do a Google search for penis pumps you will find over 100 million articles, most of which are related to penis size, or increasing penis size. Alternatively we have summarized this article in video.
A larger Penis Equates to Confidence.
Men with big penises are confident and usually successful, if you could buy a pill that made you more confident in yourself then I am sure that you would agree that with increased confidence comes increased success. Well there are no Confidence Enhancing Pills, but there are Penis Pumps.
With a bigger penis comes increased confidence. Penis Pumps do work, used in conjunction with Enhancement Creams and/or Penis Enhancement Pills you are sure to be the proud owner of a larger penis in a relatively short length of time.
Make Sure you Use penis pumps like weights , Regularly.
Your penis reacts like a muscle does to exercise. You make muscles grow by pumping blood into them to make them bigger. The more you exercise a muscle the bigger it will get, but you have to give the muscle time to recover from each exercise session.
With regular use of a penis pump and a healthy diet you will quickly achieve your goal, a bigger penis. The more you exercise your penis the bigger it will get, just like your muscles in other parts of your body.
I Really have seen the results.
In fact the number of people I have met that have required a larger pump because they have outgrown there penis pump Is actually surprising. On one occasion a gentleman actually whipped it out and showed me. I stared in wonder and amazement.
I say if it is possible because like a muscle, the size that you can achieve will be determined by how much effort you put into your exercises, and how much your physiology will allow you to grow.
You will not achieve greater gains by using the penis pump of your choice for hours on end. By using the penis pump in the morning and at night for no more than an hour you are giving your penis enough rest time, and therefore will achieve better results.
With a bigger penis you will gain greater confidence in other areas of your life, not just in the bedroom. Imagine what you can do with your life if you had more confidence.
A Brief History Of Penis Pumps
- A ccording to MedScape , The penis pump invented by Dr. John King in 1874.
- However, that device only produced an artificial erection that couldn’t be maintained after it was removed.
- It wasn’t until 1917 that Otto Lederer of Austria obtained a patent for a surgical device .
- This device seemed to make it possible for persons considered to be completely impotent to perform sexual intercourse in the normal manner.
- The device was a ring of elastic material is placed on the root of the penis, this trapped blood and held the errection.
- And Finally the erection is maintained for a considerable time after the sleeve has been removed.
- Strangely though the device worked, it didn’t become all that popular until the 1970s.
- This was when the secondary use , increasing penis size become popular.
- Pumps are now sold in millions of sex shops and websites.
- So, does penis pumping really work?
- It can certainly give you an erection, which can be used with a ring.
- They do seem to give extra growth.
- However, there’s an interesting side effect of pumping which seems to provide psychological satisfaction for some men.
Elean says
My boyfriend had an erection problem, but he used a pump and quietly between you and me it was a little bigger, a little harder and a little better.