In the 1940’s, Dr. Kegel discovered that the best way to strengthen the vaginal muscles is by resistance strength training. These squeeze and hold vaginal, pelvic floor exercises are now known as Kegels.
Dr. Kegel found that through using resistance exercise it was possible to not only eliminate stress incontinence effectively and safely, but that it was possible to reverse a uterine prolapse by as much as 5 to 7cm. Some would say that using a kegelmaster nearly as important to a woman as regular pap smears.
The Kegelmaster Helps Incontinence
Using the kegalmaster will benefit or assist the effective treatment for incontinence, helps the pelvic floor muscles recover more rapidly after childbirth and tones and tightens the vagina after childbirth, strengthens pelvic floor muscles, and greatly improves sensitivity during intimacy.
We go to the gym to work-out in order to increase muscle tone. What do we use to increase the tone of our biceps for example we do not do a curl using air expecting to get real results, do we? We need weight or resistance. This is why you have had little or no success with your pelvic floor, it’s the sa! me as any other muscle in your body only more important; look at the discomfort, pain, embarrassment we can experience.
Seven out of ten women have disorders of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor supports bones in the spine; controls the passage of urine and stools; structures the abdominal cavity; facilitates the childbirth process; and contributes to a woman’s sexual pleasure as well as other kegel benefits.
Numerous Benefits.
The benefits from using the kegelmaster are too numerous to mention but amongst them is the effective treatment for incontinence, greatly improves sensitivity during intimacy, strengthens pelvic floor muscles, helps the pelvic floor muscles recover more rapidly after childbirth and tones and tightens the vagina after childbirth.
Most women don’t do the pelvic floor exercises as recommended by their doctors or midwives, many don’t know where the kegel muscles are and the ones that do their exercises aren’t exercising them properly.
There is every chance of reversing a prolapse when it is in its early stage. With the help of a kegelmaster. Unfortunately some women wait until it is too late to take action. And there is a point of no return after which surgery does become necessary.
The urge to urinate is more urgent at the time of menstruation, period pain is worse if the bowel is not emptied. The kegelmaster has been proven to help in the treatment of these and many other disorders.
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