Vaping is quickly becoming incredibly popular, and for good reason. Aside from all the health benefits of quitting smoking cigarettes, there is a massive monetary value to taking up vaping over smoking cigarettes. Why pay $50 for a pack that probably wont even last you a week, when you buy a vape for $50 that will last you over a year.
Watch Our awesome vape video below.
This video was one we built for a small Darwin vaping business and you can see the final plr vape video here.
The decision to Vape is an easy one.
Are you sick of people saying you stink like smoke? Tired of people telling you “you really need to quit” when you pull out a smoke? Vaping can solve both problems, and still give you an alternative so you don’t have to quit cold turkey.
Vape e-juice smells great. Would you like to smell like waffles when you vape? Maybe you would prefer to smell like grape bubblegum? A cappuccino? Or maybe you would like no smell at all. Everything is possible when it comes to e-juice flavours.
Smell Awesome.
If anyone asks you why you smell like cupcakes, just tell them it’s better than smelling of smoke, dammit!
One of the best vapes out there to help with quitting the smokes is the Novo pod system by Smok. These vapes have a restricted mouth-to-lung draw that feels very much like dragging on a cigerette, easily tricking your brain into thinking you just had one. When you find the right flavour of e-juice for you, vaping the Nord will become like second nature.
This pod system is incredibly easy and cheap to use. You don’t have to know anything about vaping to use the Nord, you just filled up your juice and breath in. No buttons. No changing coils.
Want massive clouds? the Falcon tanks have you covered. There really is a different vape for everyone.
So stop putting it off and save yourself some money, and potentially your health. Get a vape today and leave that packet of cigerettes at home, or better yet, in the bin. Another great addition to vaping is cbd oil you can find out about that here.
Taylor says
Vaping is such an awesome experience I would recommend to save money and quit smoking it worked for me
Norberto says
I saved heaps of money when i switched from smoking to vaping and I felt better to. Would recommend to save and also smell better.
Jav says
Vaping Changed my life for the better.
My Vaping Calculator says
And how much could you save by quitting or switching to vaping? Find out with this vaping calculator.
Kristen says
Here’s some more on Why vaping could be the best way to quit smoking. New research suggests e-cigarette users are less likely to feel miserable when attempting to kick the habit. Kristen
Arthur says
I Swapped my cigarettes for a vape and saved a fortune. Not only that I feel better. But time will tell.
Michele The Vape Lover says
I bought my vape on clearance from Direct vapor Saved heaps.
James Black says
We Agree Direct Vapor is ahead of the Vape Game
Autumn says
I started smoking when I was 14 (1998). And finally kicked the habit April 2, 2013. In that 15 year time span I tried: dropping down to ultra light cigs, giving myself tabs finally stopped using vapes and slowly weened myself of nicotine.
Carlton says
It certainly cleared my lungs. My whole family is glad I changed.
Jimmy says
Vaping opened up a new world for me. Saved money and improved my health.
Orval says
Vaping worked wonders helping me quit smoking. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to clean up their act.
Milton says
Can you please let me know the vaping rss for this section, I would like to feed your articles onto my vaping blog. Is that ok.
James Black says
Here you go enjoy :
Michael says
I used to smoke cigarettes gave up for a vape with nicotine now I just vape cbd.
Brad says
Vaping turned my life around. And saved me a shitload of money as well.
bernie says
I agree with you vaping Is a great way to cut down on chemicals and save money.
tania says
I got a Mod (thats what they call vape kits)recommendation from Value vapes in Darwin it worked great did all of the above.
Jacquetta says
I’m Australian saved $250 bucks a week, I smoked a pack of 20’s a day.
James says
It’s not all good news : E-cigarettes have gained popularity as a “safer,” and increasingly more fashionable, alternative to traditional cigarettes. Yet recent research questions their actual safety, claiming that the e-liquid and vapors contain cancer-causing substances that can linger